Sample Water Report

What are PFOA chemicals? How to remove PFOA from water

PFOA chemical, perfluorooctanoic acid, and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), emerging contaminants in drinking water, air, soil, and food.
Brought to you by your local food manufacturers, automotive, construction, electronics manufacturers, and hundreds more.

PFOA is a synthetic chemical that is persistent in the environment and can be found in the bloodstream worldwide. The 3M Corporation invented PFOA in 1947 with several other chemical compounds that the company referred to as “C8” because it has eight carbons bonded to fluorine. It is not easily degraded by natural processes and is toxic to humans. Long-term exposure to PFOA can cause adverse health effects, including cancer, developmental effects, and thyroid hormone disruption. If the water report mentions PFOA, it is imperative to reduce exposure, for example by using a water filtration system. For example, a reverse osmosis filtration system can effectively remove PFOA from water and reduce the risk of exposure.

PFOA has been detected in public drinking water sources at levels up to 1 µg/L (1 ppb).


When and how was PFOS used?

PFOS has been found in some drinking supplies in California.

Since the 1940s, PFOS has been used in many consumer and industrial products, including carpets, rugs, upholstered furniture, nonstick cookware, and leather goods. PFOS has also been present in some firefighting foams used at airports, firefighter training facilities, and military airfields. It is also present in some imported products


How do we remove these chemicals from our drinking water?

Reverse osmosis filtration systems, granular activated carbon filters, and other ion trapping filters can be used to effectively remove PFOA from water and reduce the risk of exposure.


What is a Reverse Osmosis (RO) System


What is a Reverse Osmosis (RO) system?

Water is forced through a membrane with tiny pores by reverse osmosis using energy. The membrane, which allows water to pass through, prevents many impurities from entering the system.


What is a granular activated carbon filter?

Dirt builds up on the filter as water passes through it. Carbon filters are a type of filtration system used to remove impurities from drinking water. They work by passing water through a filter that is filled with activated carbon. It is a coal material that absorbs well. Activated carbon absorbs impurities and removes them from the water. Carbon filters remove a wide range of contaminants, including chlorine, lead, mercury, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and pesticides.


How to remove PFOA from water?

PFOA is from a family of 42,000 toxic chemicals. It is a toxic substance found in water that can cause serious health problems. To remove it, consider using:
!. activated carbon filtration
This is the only one that can provide you with pure, safe drinking water.

  1. Reverse osmosis (RO)
    This is one of the best systems for removing up to 99% of contaminants. But you must use a post-mineral cartridge system to replace the minerals removed by RO, as RO water is electron deficient and causes health problems.
  2. Distillation
    This is one of the best systems for removing up to 99% of contaminants. But you must use a post-mineral cartridge system to replace the minerals removed by RO, as RO water is electron deficient and causes health problems.


What is ion exchange


What is ion exchange?

Ion exchange or ionization is a highly effective method of removing PFOS, moderately effective in removing PFOA, and failed to remove many PFAS. Some newer resins work better using both ion exchange and absorption properties. In this process, the charged resin attracts specific chemical contaminants that adhere to the surface or are absorbed into the resin. This results in a reduction of PFOA and PFOS ions.


What is the source of these chemicals in your drinking water?

Because PFOA and PFOS repel water and oil, they are used in many industrial applications. Nonstick cookware, food packaging, stain repellants, and fire retardant foams are some examples of products that contain PFOA and PFOS. Inadequate collection and disposal methods lead to these chemicals entering our water sources. In our drinking water, these chemicals have adverse health effects when consumed.


What are the health risks of PFOA and PFOS in drinking water?

EPA addresses the following adverse effects of PFOA and PFOS in drinking water and its consumption.

  • Liver damage
  • Cholesterol Fluctuations and the Thyroid Gland
  • Testicular or kidney cancer

It can cause developmental abnormalities in infants if consumed by their mothers during pregnancy. Accelerated puberty, lower birth weight, skeletal changes, etc. are common risks for infants.


what in your water


What is in your water?

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