Sample Water Report



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A Life Water Report is actually an analysis of the EPA Mandated water report that all city water sources are required to submit. Because the EPA only monitors 90 of the 86,153 chemicals in their database, their “certification” of a City’s water source is not truthful , irresponsible, and irrelevant. Consider that the other 86,063 chemicals are not even tested for the harmful health effects they can cause, the interaction of these toxic chemicals is not even considered. So they are labeled as “no legal limit” chemicals. Think about that – this means that any amount of them is not considered as harmful.

This is why we present the actual data that shows how much of each of these chemicals is present. We go even further
and provide the amount of each of these chemicals that is in your City’s water. We then compare it to the health
level that EWG shows is harmful and let you know how each chemical exceeds those health levels. We then take it
a step further and explain what these detrimental health effects are.

From this information, you can decide how to proceed to mitigate these health hazards through a variety of filtration
and purification methods. Knowledge is Power! Protect your Family!

Life Water Report actually analyzes the EPA Mandated water report that your City issues.  Remember that the EPA only monitors 90 of the 86,153 toxic chemicals.  We work with the Environmental Working Group and analyze the “no legal limit” toxic chemicals and look at what the actual limit is for the toxic chemical to cause health damage.  We then provide a “multiplier” so you have a frame of reference.  Example: We look at Carlsbad, California 92011 and see that there are 33 Total Contaminants, of which 15 are known to cause cancer.  We pick the first toxic chemical, arsenic, and show that the potential effect is: cancer.   And then show you the arsenic level is 700 times more than the EWG Health Guideline recommends.  The EPA claims the ”safe” level is 2.8 ppb, but research has shown that it is actually 0.004.  So the EPA says your body can handle 10.0 ppb, and they set these high limits so the contaminated City water can pass their safety limit.

Water quality’s importance is its assurance that end-users will remain healthy and well-functioning if proper standards are maintained. The quality of water is crucial to economic, health, and social well-being. To maintain reliable and safe water sources and eliminate potential health risks associated with contaminated water, it’s very important to monitor the quality of your water and test it regularly.

Specifically, good water quality is characterized by its lack of impurities, i.e., contaminants, and it has a proper balance of alkaline minerals and a reasonable TDS of 50 to 150. Drinking enough water and staying hydrated can be encouraged by water quality reports. The report can help consumers feel more confident in their water choices, thereby encouraging them to drink more water and stay hydrated. Health and well-being can be improved with regular water report analysis (, and proper maintenance of plumbing and water treatment systems, among other preventative measures. In addition, high-quality healthy water can have a greater impact, so we recommend you find a water system that adds healthy alkaline minerals, or a water ionizer that created ionized, alkaline, antioxidant water. Look at the “filter information” section on By drinking healthy water, the body is prevented from dehydrating, which can have both physical and mental effects. More Details

Water analysis is the process of testing water samples to determine their chemical, physical, and biological characteristics, and then analyzing the results. From this analysis, we can determine what is in the water and at what levels these toxic chemicals become harmful to you and your Family’s health. This analysis is currently available for all 33,500 City water municipalities. The purpose of water analysis is to identify any harmful contaminants that may be present in the water, such as bacteria, viruses, lead, arsenic, and other toxic chemicals. By understanding the composition of our water sources, we can take steps to protect your family and these water sources so that they remain clean and healthy for generations to come. Water testing is conducted using various methods and technologies, including laboratory analysis, field testing, and online monitoring. These methods are used to measure the pH level of the water, as well as the levels of various minerals, chemicals, and contaminants. The results of water analysis can be used to determine the quality of the water and whether it is safe for human consumption, but this depends on what levels are assigned to each of the chemicals.  The EPA does not test the safety of over 86,000 toxic chemicals and classifies them as having “no legal limit”.  This is why it is a smart move to generate a water report like the one at  We work with the Environmental Health Work organization to provide realistic information about the effects of these chemicals.  We do not believe in “no legal limit”!

Water is essential for human health, and it’s important that we have access to clean and safe drinking water. Unfortunately, many water sources are contaminated with harmful chemicals and bacteria that can cause serious health problems. Water analysis is important for our health because it helps us identify these contaminants and take steps to remove them. One of the most common of the many contaminants found in water is lead. Lead is a toxic metal that can cause serious health problems, especially in children. Exposure to lead can lead to developmental delays, learning disabilities, and other neurological problems. Water analysis can help us identify the presence of lead in our water and take steps to remove it. Another common contaminant found in water is arsenic. Arsenic is a toxic chemical that can cause cancer, skin lesions, and other health problems. Water analysis can help us identify the presence of arsenic in our water and take steps to remove it. Overall, water analysis is important for our health because it helps us identify harmful contaminants in our water and take steps to protect ourselves and our families.

Tap water: It may contain high levels of toxic chemicals and other substances that affect taste and quality.
Filtered water: It is used to remove impurities and/or improve the taste of tap water.
Mineral water: Mineral water comes from underground sources and it may not be suitable for people on low-sodium diets.
Spring water: Spring water is naturally sourced and may have a unique taste due to the minerals and other substances it contains. However , spring water is considered best to drink as it provides vital nutrients.

Caution: All of these types of water are Polluted and have between 27 to 200 toxic chemicals in them. Remember the EPA only monitors 90 of the 86,153 toxic chemicals that can be in water.

The filtered water will be your best bet BUT that depends on what type of filter system you have.

Knowledge is Power! so find out what is actually in your water by going to and enter your zip code. You will then instantly receive a complete analysis of your EPA Mandated water report. Once you know what’s really in your water, review your different options.

Questions, feel free to contact us:
or 808 425 0474 Hawaiian time zone 7 am to 3 pm

Activated carbon filters: Activated carbon filters can be granulated or can be in a carbon block form.

Reverse osmosis filters: They are highly effective at producing clean, pure water but are more expensive and require professional installation.

Ultraviolet (UV) filters: These filters use UV light to kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms in water.

Ion exchange filters: In an ion exchange system, undesirable ions, contaminants, in the water supply are replaced with more acceptable ions.
Ceramic filters: They are inexpensive and easy to install but may require frequent cleaning. However Reverse osmosis (RO) filters are top of the line for removing a large percentage of contaminants out of the water, potentially including dangerous waterborne bacteria.

But what’s missing here is that RO membranes/filters remove almost all of the healthy alkaline minerals, which are necessary to maintain health and help balance the body. RO water is “electron deficient”, which means it will “steal” electrons from other molecules and damage those molecules in the process. This causes aging. The latest technology produces reverse osmosis systems that add healthy alkaline minerals back into the “depleted” water, and produce healthy water.

For you to find out what water filter is best, you first need to know what toxic chemicals and contaminants are in your water with Life Water Report. Analyze your water Now 

A reverse osmosis filter forces water molecules through a semipermeable membrane. The membrane allows only water molecules to pass through and filters out contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and chemicals. A post-filter polishes the drinking water after it exits the RO membrane before entering a dedicated faucet. Prefilters and post-filters determine reverse osmosis systems stages. The contaminants are then removed from the water and flushed away. Purified water is then collected for use. A reverse osmosis filter can generate 10 to 75 gallons (45-340 Liters) of water per day. More Details

When you need reverse osmosis water, you have plenty in an RO storage tank. Reverse osmosis slows down the process of making water. – Two to three ounces of RO water can be produced in one minute. For a glass of water, you would have to wait at least 5 minutes if you turned on your faucet at the actual membrane production rate. Your glass fills instantly when you use a storage tank. – Storage tanks also improve the efficiency of RO systems. Having stored purified water allows the system to operate more efficiently since it does not need to constantly filter water. Large families or households with multiple appliances that require purified water may find this especially useful. – By reducing the frequency of the system’s cycles, a storage tank can also prolong the life of the RO system. The lifespan of the components of the system can be extended by reducing the number of times the system needs to filter water.


  • Your water will be free of dissolved solids, chlorine, fluoride, microorganisms, and heavy metals such as barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury. Drink, cook, and freeze RO purified water for better taste than bottled water.
  • It dispenses filtered water directly to your sink making it convenient for drinking, cooking, making ice, watering plants, and making beverages. The system requires minimal maintenance, typically replacing filters periodically.
  • RO systems are cost-effective over time compared to purchasing bottled water or using other filtration methods. RO systems provide clean water for the household at a fraction of the cost of bottled water.
  • When the tank is full, the feed line is automatically shut off to eliminate waste.
  • Help the environment & save money! Each year, consumers waste 3 billion pounds of plastic on bottled water. By using a reverse osmosis system at home, you can avoid buying expensive bottled water and reduce your carbon footprint.
  • RO systems also use less energy and resources than other water treatment methods. Drinking clean and purified water can provide several health benefits, such as improving digestion, boosting the immune system, and promoting healthy skin and hair. More Details

Fluoride occurs naturally in water, soil, and some foods. Since the 1940s, it has been added to public water supplies to combat tooth decay. Fluoride in drinking water has been controversial for decades, with many questioning its safety and health risks. Some studies that have vested interests in fluoride profiteering have shown cavity fluoride treatment. These people have no problem lying to the public if they can make a dollar. Researchers have linked it to an increased risk of certain health problems. We will explore the science, its effects on the body, and how to protect yourself and your family. Fluoride is a dangerous chemical that is listed on the EPA list. In World War II – “History shows, actually, that in Nazi Germany, one of the first things they did was add fluoride to the water in the ghettos where the Jews stayed.” Fluoride was first used in Nazi concentration camps’ drinking water because it made prisoners docile, indifferent, and easier to control. With fluoride in the water, Nazi guards could control people with fewer guards. Would we allow mercury, arsenic, or lead to be added to our water supply? Learn More

  • Fluoride is a naturally occurring element in water, soil, and some foods. It is also a deadly poison.
  • As part of dental fluoride treatments, it can also be found in dental products like toothpaste and mouthwash.
  • Too much can cause muscle or bone fluorosis, which damages bones and joints.
  • Fluoride does not affect the gums directly. Gum health is maintained through proper oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental care. Learn More

Fluoride exposure sources in the United States have increased since the 1940s. By 1960, fluoridation of drinking water had spread to over 50 million people in communities throughout the United States. Since community water fluoridation began, an array of fluoride products have been introduced to consumers. Fluoride in drinking water is due to:

  • Rich in fluoride soil, Volcanic activity, Forage, Grasses, and grains, Anthropogenic reasons.
  • Fluoride drugs (“supplements”)
  • Food that contains or has been exposed to fluoride
  • Mouthwash with fluoride treatment on teeth
  • Pesticides with fluoride – they do this because fluoride is a toxic poison.
  • Pharmaceutical drugs with perfluorinated compounds
  • Artificially fluoridated municipal water More Details

To reduce exposure to fluoride applications, there are several steps you can take.

  • Avoid drinking fluoridated water and opt for filtered or bottled water.
  • Use fluoride-free dental products and avoid processed foods containing fluoride.
  • Use fluoride-free toothpaste and mouthwash.
  • Another option is to use products containing xylitol, a natural sugar substitute that reduces tooth decay.
  • Teflon-coated pans (stick-free pans) increase fluoride content.
  • Switch to stainless steel if you have Teflon pans.
  • Calcium and magnesium-enriched diets prevent decay and reduce fluoride use.
  • Calcium-rich foods include leafy greens, dairy products, and nuts, while magnesium-rich foods are dark chocolate (I would avoid this as it is high in lead and cadmium), avocados, and leafy greens.
  • Avoid fluoride salt.
  • Buy organic vegetables and fruits – we suggest growing your own organic produce More Details

In order to keep water safe and clean, reverse osmosis has gained popularity among other filters. Due to its safety, cost-effectiveness, and ease of maintenance, reverse osmosis has become increasingly popular. For just pennies per gallon, a family of four can drink fresh, great-tasting RO water every day. Remember to add alkaline minerals. More Details

Reusing plastic bottles can lead to harmful bacterial growth, which can then affect your gums and gut health.

Plastic bottles, especially those designed for single-use purposes, are not intended for long-term reuse. Over time, the plastic can degrade and develop small cracks or scratches, providing potential areas for bacteria to accumulate. Additionally, if the bottles are not cleaned properly, bacteria may thrive.

Our advice is to never reuse plastic bottles.  Use copper, stainless steel, or glass
drinking bottles.

My dentist told me a story of a 64 year old lady that had to have all new teeth implanted from bacteria
destroying her gums.  She also had health issues related to gut issues.  The dentist and the doctors could not figure out why this was happening.  It turned out that she was refilling her plastic water bottles.

By following these guidelines, you can reduce the risk of bacterial growth and maintain good oral and gut health. Visit our beautiful selection of hand painted healthy Copper Water Bottles and Pitchers

Lemons: Acidic Outside, Alkaline Inside

Lemons, those bright and zesty fruits, have created quite a buzz in the health and wellness community. There’s a common belief: while they’re undoubtedly acidic to the taste, they produce alkaline byproducts in the body once metabolized. Let’s dissect this notion and find out the truth. Learn More

The pH scale measures how acidic or alkaline a substance is. Anything below 7 is acidic, and above 7 is alkaline. Pure water has a neutral pH of 7. Lemon juice, bursting with citric acid, falls between 2 and 3 on the pH scale, making it substantially acidic. Learn More

Lemon juice’s benefits go beyond pH concerns:

  • Vitamin C Galore: A vitamin C powerhouse, lemon fortifies the immune system, preparing the body to ward off illnesses.
    Boosts Mineral
  • Absorption: Drinks brimming with vitamin C, like lemon water, can amplify mineral absorption, particularly iron.
  • Antioxidant-Rich: Lemon juice is teeming with antioxidants, which may diminish heart disease risk by strengthening blood vessels and reducing inflammation.
  • Kidney Stone Prevention: Some studies suggest that regular lemon juice intake might prevent kidney stones.

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Genetic factors and lifestyle choices contribute to its development. Recent research has shown that environmental toxins may also contribute. Plastics, pesticides, and air pollutants contain harmful toxins that disrupt the balance of hormones in the body. They can also affect insulin production and sensitivity. Diabetes is a major cause of morbidity and death in the United States. In 2015, an estimated 30.3 million people of all ages—or 9.4% of the U.S. population—had diabetes.

In this blog, we’ll explore the latest research on this topic and provide practical tips for reducing your exposure to these harmful substances. Whether you have diabetes or not, this information is essential for anyone who wants to protect their health and well-being. So, let’s dive in and learn more about the link between diabetes and environmental toxins. Learn More

Environmental toxins are substances found in the environment and can harm living organisms.

These toxins can come from a variety of sources, including air pollution, water pollution, and chemicals used in everyday products. Exposure to environmental toxins can cause health problems, including diabetes. Learn More

Several types of environmental toxins have been linked to diabetes.

  1. One of the most well-known toxins is bisphenol A (BPA), which is found in plastics and food containers. BPA disrupts insulin production and causes insulin resistance, which leads to type 2 diabetes.
  2. Other toxins linked to diabetes include phthalates, found in personal care products, and pesticides used in farming. Learn More

For both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, rates have increased in the United States due to water pollutants. EWG’s analysis found that, since 2019, over 320 toxic substances have been detected in U.S. drinking water systems.

Exposure to certain toxins, such as lead or arsenic, has been linked to diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is associated with higher intakes of nitrates, nitrites, and N-nitroso compounds, as well as higher levels of polychlorinated biphenyls.

  • Diabetes type 1 (T1D) is an autoimmune disease that destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. In the body’s defense system, insulin-producing cells are mistakenly seen as harmful aliens that need to be destroyed.
  • The toxic effects of nitrate-nitrite-nitrosamine on cells have been controversial for two decades. A study conducted in the UK, the USA, and Finland found high nitrate levels were positively associated with type 1 diabetes incidence, as reported by Parslow et al 2.

In terms of type 2 diabetes, the data on arsenic and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin indicate a direct correlation.

Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes, T2D) makes up 90% of all diabetes cases.

  • It involves disruptions in whole-body glucose homeostasis due to resistance of peripheral tissue to insulin and decreased insulin production by pancreatic β-cells.
  • Several Heavy metals, including cadmium, chromium, zinc, mercury, nickel, and arsenic, adversely affect metabolic pathways, contributing to metabolic disorders, including T1D and T2D.

Research suggests that these toxins damage pancreatic cells, which affects insulin production and lead to diabetes. Learn More

According to the 2017 WHO and UNICEF reports, more than 785 million people that year did not have access to basic water services.

  • Arsenic is a naturally occurring ubiquitous metalloid, the inorganic forms of which (iAs) are predominantly found in soil, sediment, and surface and groundwater reservoirs.
  • A total of 200 million people worldwide are exposed to iAs at levels higher than the EPA and WHO limit of 10 g/L. The USGS estimates that 8% of public drinking water supplies in the US may exceed 10 g/L based on data collected in the mid-to-late 1990s.
  • The National Toxicology Program workshop in 2011 found that drinking water with iAs levels above 150 g/L was associated with an increased risk of diabetes.
  • In addition to causing pancreatic dysfunction, it led to increased liver gluconeogenesis and oxidative damage.

The link between Pesticides and diabetes:

Statistics from the EPA indicate that more than one billion pounds of insecticides are used annually in the United States. This is for agricultural, lawn, garden, and home applications.

  • Investigators found that pesticide exposure was associated with a 61% increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • In a separate study, 639 women in Greece with elevated blood levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) during the first trimester had a four-fold increased risk of gestational diabetes.2.
  • The presence of organochlorine, organophosphate, and neonicotinoid chemicals in drinking water can increase blood OCP levels. This increases T2DM risk.
  • Mexican Americans were evaluated for their exposure to the pesticide DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) and its metabolite DDE (dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene), in their blood. Organochlorine insecticide DDT is associated with increased diabetes risk.
  • Malathion, an organophosphate insecticide, has been found to reduce pancreatic insulin secretion and induce fasting hyperglycemia, a hallmark of diabetes. Learn More

Diabetes and pesticide exposure can be explained by several mechanisms. It is believed that insecticides cause diabetes by:

  1. Increased gluconeogenesis.
  2. Inhibiting acetylcholinesterase,
  3. Causing oxidative stress and inflammation.
  4. Disrupting circadian rhythms.
  5. Interacting with the gut microbiota.

Endocrine disruptors in relation to diabetes:

A growing body of evidence suggests that endocrine disruptor chemicals, so-called for their ability to disrupt the body’s endocrine system, are associated with a wide range of health problems, from developmental and reproductive disorders to cancer, obesity, and diabetes.

  • In addition to bisphenol A, phthalates, chlordane compounds, parabens, and pesticides, there are other EDCs that are related to diabetes.
  • EDCs can interfere with the normal regulation of various hormones involved in glucose metabolism, such as insulin, glucagon, and cortisol.
  • Insufficient insulin production or deficiency can lead to elevated blood sugar levels and diabetes risk. Learn More

Statistics reveal that one in eight couples in the United States grapples with fertility issues, a disturbing trend that continues to escalate. Often lifestyle choices and unidentified medical factors are blamed, but research now identifies a more hazardous factor — polyfluoroalkyl substances, or “forever chemicals.”

Tap Water is the major source of PFAS exposure and toxic chemicals in your drinking water. In this article, we will find ways to improve our water quality with water reports and methods to remove PFAS by making lifestyle changes. Learn More

Synthetic compounds with these properties have a wide range of applications, including resistance to water and grease. Because of their resistance to natural degradation, PFAS is found in everything from tap water, and Teflon pans to water-resistant garments and food packaging.

Widespread Contamination
Reports based on EPA data suggest that over 1,500 textile mills in the U.S. potentially discharge PFAS. Furthermore, military bases and airports predominantly contribute to this contamination, largely through the use of PFAS-containing firefighting foams. This discharge not only poisons the environment but affects neighboring communities through groundwater and tap water contamination. Learn More

It’s not just industrial areas that are concerned; PFAS has found its way into the American drinking water supply. Alarmingly, over 200 million Americans are affected, consuming between 70,000 and 100,000 pounds of toxic chemicals, including PFAS. This contamination has been grossly underestimated, with water quality reports often failing to capture the extent of the problem. Learn More

Several studies draw a direct line between PFAS exposure and fertility issues.

An extensive study observed 50,000 births in Minnesota, finding that high PFAS levels were associated with increased rates of infertility, premature birth, and low birth weight. Further studies in 2022 substantiated these findings, establishing that maternal PFAS exposure also impacts sperm count and quality in young men.

In Oakdale, Minnesota, a city used for a pivotal PFAS study, women of reproductive age experienced a decrease in fertility rates of up to 25%. Babies born during the study period were 36% more likely to be underweight and 45% more likely to be born prematurely.

Studies are increasingly showing a correlation between exposure to these chemicals and various health impacts, including liver damage, thyroid issues, and notably, fertility problems.

Health Risks Beyond Fertility
Other studies confirm that maternal exposure to PFAS leads to an elevated likelihood of various severe health issues. These include but are not limited to:

  • Decreased birth weight
  • Developmental disorders
  • Compromised immune systems
  • Increased risk of endocrine disruption. Learn More

The EPA regulates only 90 contaminants in drinking water, out of the possible 86,153 in our water. Water is like a potluck dinner, where everyone brings an ingredient. However, we don’t know if it’s safe to eat until the EPA evaluates it for us, and then we are still not certain, as the average home has 27 toxic chemicals that the EPA labels as “no legal limit”.

And since the overwhelming majority of these 86,153 active and inactive chemicals are “no legal limits”, we must do our own research and figure out how to filter them out of our drinking water and protect our Family’s health.

One way to avoid PFAS in the body is to exercise caution when eating food containing these chemicals. People should monitor their diet and limit fast food, processed foods, and dairy products. Be wary of products with ‘Fluoro’, ‘Perfluoro’, or those labeled as stain/water-resistant.

Drinking clean water is essential for avoiding PFAS accumulation. Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables grown organically can help decrease pesticide exposure which may contain PFAS substances. Steps like using a home filter system or switching to glass containers or copper bottles instead of plastic should also be considered. Learn More

Alkaline water has a higher pH than regular tap water, typically ranging from 8 to 9.5, protecting the body against free radicals with its antioxidants, and enhancing oxygen distribution in the body.

  • Hydrates the body better than bottled or tap water.
  • Offers protection against free radicals.
  • Facilitates effective oxygen distribution in the body.

According to Nobel Prize-winning research, alkaline water enhances hydrating properties due to the presence of minuscule passageways called aquaporins within our bodies’ cell walls. One of these aquaporin channels is regulated by pH. When the water is alkaline, the aquaporin channel opens up, facilitating water entry into the cell. Learn More

The black and green spots you’re observing on a copper drinking bottle are likely signs of oxidation and tarnishing. Copper, being a reactive metal, undergoes a process called patination when exposed to air and moisture. This process can result in the formation of green spots (verdigris) and black areas (copper oxide).

  1. Using Dawn Dishwasher Soap: Generally, dish soaps like Dawn are safe for cleaning copper, as they are gentle and effective at removing grease and grime. However, they may not be sufficient to remove oxidation or tarnish.
  2. Best Method to Clean and Remove Black and Green Spots: Vinegar and Salt Solution:* Mix equal parts of white vinegar and salt. Apply this mixture to the tarnished areas and rub gently with a soft cloth or sponge. The acid in the vinegar and the abrasiveness of the salt can help remove tarnishing.
  3. Lemon and Salt: Cut a lemon in half, sprinkle salt on its cut side, and rub this over the spots. Lemon’s natural acidity and salt’s abrasiveness work well together.
  4. Baking Soda Paste: Make a paste with baking soda and water. Apply it to the spots and gently scrub. This is a mild abrasive and can be effective for removing tarnish.
  5. Commercial Copper Cleaners: If home remedies don’t work, you might consider a commercial copper cleaner. These are formulated specifically for cleaning copper and can be very effective.

Important Tips:

  • Always rinse the bottle thoroughly with water after cleaning.
  • Dry it completely to prevent further oxidation.
  • Test any cleaning method on a small, inconspicuous area first.
  • Avoid using harsh abrasives or steel wool, as these can scratch the copper.
  • Regular cleaning can prevent heavy tarnish buildup.

    Remember, the patina that develops on copper can be considered desirable by some, as it gives the metal an antique look. However, if you prefer your copper shiny and bright, regular cleaning is necessary.

Free Water Analysis Report to find out what’s in your water!

The EPA monitors only 90 of these 86,153 toxic chemicals so when they say your water is okay, that is for only those 90 Toxic Chemicals – so find out about those other 86,063 Toxic Chemicals and how they damage your Health!.