Sample Water Report

Contaminants found in drinking water

Contaminants found in drinking water, Each year, 30,000 pounds of industrial chemicals are produced for each person in the United States.
Compare this to the fact that a BIG bus weighs about 30,000 pounds. These chemicals are in your drinking and bathing water. In your food. In the air you breathe. In the clothing you wear. In your skincare products. In your laundry detergent. In the products, you clean your house with. Everywhere!

Worse yet, most of these chemicals are manufactured and distributed by greedy CEOs and companies who could care less about your health! Almost none of these chemicals have been tested to determine how they affect your health. It is important to remember that the FDA and the EPA have been accused of ignoring these chemical threats to our health.

Water contains toxic chemicals such as lead, arsenic, mercury, and other heavy metals. Agricultural runoff, industrial waste, and sewage all cause these chemicals to leach into water sources. Furthermore, chlorine and fluoride, which are added to water for disinfection purposes, are toxic when ingested over time.

The EPA regulates only 90 contaminants in drinking water, out of the possible 86,153 that can be in our water. The water we consume is like a potluck dinner, where everyone brings an ingredient, but we don’t know if it’s safe to eat until the EPA evaluates it for us, and then we are still not certain. And since the overwhelming majority of these 86,153 active and inactive chemicals have “no legal limit”, then we must do our own research and figure out how to filter them out of our drinking water and protect our Family’s health.

Contaminants found in drinking water

So the question arises:

What’s in your water? Which contaminants are present in your water and how do they affect your health?

As the first major U.S. law to address water pollution, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948 was amended into the Clean Water Act in 1972.

How are contaminants defined?

As defined by the Safe Drinking Water Act, a “contaminant” is any physical, chemical, biological, or radiological substance or matter in water. Therefore, the law defines “contaminant” very broadly to include anything other than water molecules.

What causes water to become contaminated?

It’s possible for germs and chemicals to get into drinking water at the source or in the distribution system after it’s been treated. Germs and chemicals can get into water from a lot of places, like:

  • A fertilizer, pesticide, or other chemical that has been applied to land near a body of water
  • Large industrial animal farms with concentrated feeding operations
  • Operations in the manufacturing industry
  • Overflowing sewers
  • Streams and rivers
  • Biological diversity
  • A rock or soil that naturally contains chemicals and minerals such as arsenic, radon, or uranium
  • Problems with the distribution system, such as cracks in water pipes


drinking water

Germs that contaminate tap water?

Common germs that contaminate water include bacteria, viruses, and parasites such as

  • E. coli,
  • salmonella,
  • Norovirus,
  • Giardia
  • Rotavirus
  • Shigella
  • Hepatitis A virus

These germs can cause a range of illnesses, from mild gastrointestinal upsets to life-threatening diseases.

Some germs and chemicals are tested for and addressed in drinking water systems by the EPA. Utility companies are required to inform customers if they find any unsafe levels of chemicals or germs in the water during testing. Violation notices and drinking water advisories are sent to customers. The Consumer Confidence Report is also provided by water utilities to their customers every year.

Don’t trust what the EPA tells you! Go to and find out what’s really in your water! Then review your options on how to remove these toxic chemicals from your Family’s water.


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