Sample Water Report

PFAS in our drinking water

Toxic chemicals are the main cause of many health-related water problems, so we should avoid them and drink safe water. It is imperative to note that the most effective way to ensure safe drinking water is to have your water tested by a certified laboratory. This is to determine if it contains PFAS or any other contaminants.

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The Importance of Water Analysis for Your Health and Environment

Water is essential to life, and it’s something that most of us in the United States take for granted. We use it every day, for drinking, cooking, cleaning, and more. But have you ever stopped to think about what’s in your water? The truth is, there could be harmful contaminants lurking in your tap water… Continue reading The Importance of Water Analysis for Your Health and Environment

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Protect Your Health With a Life Water Report Today!

More than 60 million Americans are exposed to unsafe tap water each year. The odds are getting worse. A 2017 report card from the American Society of Civil Engineers gave the nation’s drinking-water infrastructure a rating of D and assessed that the U.S. needs to invest $1 trillion in the next 25 years for upgrades. The alternative… Continue reading Protect Your Health With a Life Water Report Today!

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Sources and Removal of PFAS

What are the possible sources of PFAS exposure? Sources and Removal of PFAS, Over 1,500 U.S. textile mills may discharge PFAS according to an EWG report based on EPA data. Besides landfills and waste disposal facilities, sewage and waste treatment plants are also common sources of contamination. Military bases and airports are major sources of… Continue reading Sources and Removal of PFAS

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What are PFOA chemicals? How to remove PFOA from water

PFOA chemical, perfluorooctanoic acid, and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), emerging contaminants in drinking water, air, soil, and food. Brought to you by your local food manufacturers, automotive, construction, electronics manufacturers, and hundreds more. PFOA is a synthetic chemical that is persistent in the environment and can be found in the bloodstream worldwide. The 3M Corporation invented… Continue reading What are PFOA chemicals? How to remove PFOA from water

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Difference between city water and well water purification?

Humans and our pets are dependent on water to survive. Clean, safe drinking water is essential to maintaining good health. It is important to note, however, that water sources differ. Most people obtain drinking water from city sources or wells. It is important to select the right purification system for both city water and well… Continue reading Difference between city water and well water purification?

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