Sample Water Report

See what Toxic Contaminants are in your EPA mandated water report

Knowledge is Power! Once you know what’s in your water, you can decide what to do to mitigate the situation. Remember that our goal is to educate people so they can take the next step in creating a healthier environment for their Family!

Some numbers that are relevant!


Years of experience providing healthy solutions in the water treatment industry


Active & inactive Toxic Chemicals that can contaminate your drinking and household water


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) only monitors 90 of them. The others have "no legal limit", so are not reported.

13 to 41

Toxic chemicals in your City Water is the range in almost all Cities

Benefits for you and your

Our main goal is to give people the knowledge to make an
informed decisions about their drinking and household water.

Free water analysis

Recognize the Harm of Toxic Chemicals

You will learn what harm each of these chemicals do to you and your Family

guide to water filtration systems

All Systems are Custom-Built to Remove the Toxic Chemicals shown in Your Water Report

bio energy alkaline water filtration

Our recommendations are a Lot More than just Filtering Out the Toxic Chemicals.

We are all about making your drinking water more healthy for You and Your Family!

What we do

We provide a Free water analysis of the EPA mandated water report of your City's water. You will see the difference between what the EPA says is healthy and what is the Truth!

How we do it

We analyze yearly water reports for each client. Then we help them to choose the right filtration system.

Why we do it

As Sheppards of this Planet, we have a responsibility to help our Fellow Humans by Sharing Important Information so they can choose how to Protect their Families

free water report

Free Water Analysis Report to find out what’s in your water!

The EPA monitors only 90 of these 86,153 toxic chemicals so when they say your water is okay, that is for only those 90 Toxic Chemicals – so find out about those other 86,063 Toxic Chemicals and how they damage your Health!.

Know what’s in your Water!

Our Effective Water Systems

All with the option to make your water Alkaline Mineral-rich with Antioxidants


To receive a water analysis report you provide your ZIP code, first name and email so we can send you a report via email. You will also receive one instantly online with links to know more about each contaminants health effects.
To receive a water analysis report you provide your ZIP code, first name and email so we can send you a report via email. You will also receive one instantly online with links to know more about each contaminants health effects.
To receive a water analysis report you provide your ZIP code, first name and email so we can send you a report via email. You will also receive one instantly online with links to know more about each contaminants health effects.
To receive a water analysis report you provide your ZIP code, first name and email so we can send you a report via email. You will also receive one instantly online with links to know more about each contaminants health effects.
To receive a water analysis report you provide your ZIP code, first name and email so we can send you a report via email. You will also receive one instantly online with links to know more about each contaminants health effects.


Free Water Analysis Report to find out what’s in your water!

The EPA monitors only 90 of these 86,153 toxic chemicals so when they say your water is okay, that is for only for those 90 Toxic Chemicals – so find out about those other 86,063 Toxic Chemicals and how they damage your Health!.

We’re so happy to see you’ve taken the first step in knowing what toxic chemicals are in your Family’s Water

analyze your tap water

The next step

At Life we have 27 years experience in research and development of healthy water systems. We have provided you with several very effective water purification systems. Please review them and decide which one is best for your Family.

Choose your System

Feel free to contact us with any questions

Why we do it

As Sheppards of this Planet, we have a responsibility to help our Fellow Humans by Sharing Important Information so they can choose how to Protect their Families

Free Water Analysis Guide to find out what’s good for your health

    water guide